Learn To Last Longer In Bed
by Alex Allman, author of "Revolutionary Sex"
So there you are in bed with this beautiful girl and things are getting hotter by the second. You penetrate her and she gasps with pleasure... she starts wriggling her hips against your body... and she makes that soft moaning sound in your ear...
And it's just... too... damn... hot!
And just like that, it's over, nearly before it got started.
Sound familiar?
Just about every guy on Earth has been through that one...
Or sometimes you can go a bit longer... and she's getting very close to having the orgasm of her life... you can feel it building like the pressure behind the dams of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina... She's digging her nails into your back and she manages to get the words out between panting breaths: "I'm almost there...!"
And that does it. Whoosh. It's over. Right... before... that orgasm of her life.
And if you think it's frustrating for YOU... Haaa! Yes, man, it is even more frustrating for her. Especially if it happens over and over again.
The worst part?
It probably WILL happen over and over again... because when it happens the first time, it shakes your confidence. You feel a certain level of anxiety the next time. You really want to impress her...
And guess what is the number one cause of ejaculating too soon?
If you said, "anxiety over ejaculating too soon," then you probably made more than just a lucky guess.
So look, I'm not going to lie to you. I know plenty of guys who have lost their woman over this kind of thing, and plenty of women who, after a lot of soul-searching, left a man that they really cared about because she just couldn't get what she needed sexually. It just made more sense to become "just friends".
The good news is that ANY man... and yes, I do mean ANY guy can learn how to last as long as he wants in the sack.
And while many men have written to me with the wrong-headed idea that their penis is just more sensitive than anyone else's is, the fact of the matter is that 99% of premature ejaculation is 100% in the head. It really does come down to that level of sexual anxiety.
There's also an entire other group of guys who think that they are ejaculating too soon... but actually last well above average... they just don't realize that it's okay to take a little break and change positions now and then. Sex is not a sprinter's event.
Relax. Take your time.
And if you have been making love for 30 minutes and your woman hasn't had an orgasm yet, it's not because you can't last long enough... it's because you aren't pushing her buttons in the right way. With the right sexual skills you can get her to orgasm far more easily and more frequently... WITHOUT having to learn to last longer.
In other words: You probably haven't read my book yet.
And for what it's worth, you may be very relieved to hear: The vast majority of men don't last over 5 minutes of continuous thrusting.
That doesn't mean you can't make love all night long... it just means that sawing away inside of her without stopping is not the right way to do it.
Now, with that said, I believe that a man should learn total control. You should be able to control your ejaculation virtually at will. The reason I believe this is because it is YOUR body. And just as we control our other body functions, just as we don't wet the bed as adults, just as we control fear when we must, and we don't cry when the doctor gives us our flu shot, this is one more area where a man should learn to master himself.
There are many techniques for lasting longer... some work better than others, and some work better for different individuals.
The grand-daddy of them all is known as the "baseball method", or the "distraction method", which basically means that you distract yourself by thinking about something else (like memorizing baseball statistics) while having sex.
This one has been around so long because it is reasonably effective. And it's worth learning and experimenting with because it does help to train your MIND to do what you want it to do... and, like I said, 99% of this skill is in your head.
And while it is not one of the more powerful techniques, it is effective enough to show you this: If you can normally last 30 seconds, and this technique gets you to 60 seconds, then you have just PROVEN to yourself that with practice and the right information, you could ultimately learn to go from 1 minute to 2, and from 2 to 4, and ultimately to hours.
But the main downside to this technique is that it is boring. It takes you out of the fun of sex. And it takes you out of being "present" in the moment with your girl... which, by the way, while allowing you last longer, will probably also make her feel like you are not very passionate nor very good in bed.
Fortunately there are many other, more powerful techniques.
I've written a lot on this subject and it frustrates me when some guy writes back and says, "hey Alex, I tried that thing you teach and it didn't work for me."
That's like a guy reading an article about how to snow board, falling down as he gets off the lift, and saying, "it didn't work."
If you have a serious issue with this, and you are ready to learn how to last as long as any woman can stand it, and you're willing to put in a little bit of practice, I've prepared a free video and free (yes, yes, it's actually free) downloadable strategy guide with all of the best techniques for you to start using right away.
Your welcome.
You can get both right here:
Last Longer In Bed: Total Ejaculation Domination
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