Monday, October 24, 2011

Why She Doesn't Want to Have Sex

I hear many men say their wives or girlfriends just lost interest in sex.  They wonder why.  In the beginning it seemed all hot.  Though it is natural for the sex to slow down some, often it's more to it than something to just be accepted as normal.  It usually boils down to boredom or the fact that it starts to feel like a chore or obligation for a woman.

One of two things happen over time.  The sex is always the same and even though she may experience orgasms, it often feels like to her, that is the man's main goal.  Don't get me wrong, it is a goal and one that yes you should absolutely have.  On the other hand if you go at it like a job, just trying to get her to cum, a lot get lost.  Women connect through sex emotionally.  If you aren't giving her that emotional fulfillment, all the orgasms in the world will be lost.  If she feels like you are going about it like you are fixing a car or mowing the lawn, it's just not so much fun anymore, not to mention it leaves a void.

Men often get carried away with the sex, meaning they start to feel very arroused and we women feel pressure to hurry up and cum.  The true sign of this.  If after she reaches an orgasm, you immediately go for getting yours.  While it's nice that you please us first, it starts to feel like the end goal was in fact your pleasure.  Next time your woman climaxes, stop, take your time.  You might be surprised as she reaches a second climax.  We want you to get yours, we really do, but we don't want to feel like we have to hurry up and cum. 

I was involved once upon a time with a man who had been married previously for 30 years.  He was a wonderful man.  After our relationship turned sexual though, I completely understood why he hadn't been getting sex in his marriage.  He was like a kid in a candy store.  It became all about how many ways he could cum.  Yes he pleased me, but I often felt like that was just a by product of his sexual pleasure.  I began to feel cheap.  He wanted me to do some weird stuff.  He put pressure on me and went about getting his weird stuff from the perception of a man.  Women don't think like men when it comes to sex.

I can guarantee a woman would be more likely to do many things for you if she didn't feel like sex always had to be the end result.  Take the pressure off of her, and the sex will come.  She may enjoy rubbing your back, but she doesn't feel inclined to do so because men often translate this kind of touching to she wants it NOW and this isn't always the case.  What she wants is the connection.  Give her that, you will get the sex.

It's the man coming up behind his wife in the kitchen thing.  He humps on her as she washes dishes.  To him, this can be a turn on and he gets an erection.  I can assure you very few women get wet being humped on from behind in the kitchen.  In fact it annoys most women to no end because she now knows he wants sex.

In summary, slow down cowboy.  Take it easy and slow.  Don't go straight for the spot.  There are times when yes that may be appropriate, as there are times when a quickie is just fine.  For the most part though, going straight for the spot and working to make her cum just feels like something is missing.  You aren't in touch with our true sexuality and that is something we all wish you men would take the time to do.  Understand our sexuality.

The Secrets of Female Sexuality
