Friday, April 22, 2011

What Women Want in Bed

This is the question men ask all the time. There are over 3600 searches daily just in the local area here alone. Are you guys getting the answers? I think most men think they already know what women want in bed, but the sad truth is most of them really don't.

How do I know this? Because I coach hundreds of women about love and relationship. 90% or more are with a man that they so wish knew more. They don't tell them because to be honest, one of the things women want most in bed is a man in charge, a man that just knows and is open to exploring and encouraging her to be the tiger inside.

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Thing is so many men say that communication is the key. It's not. Sure it helps but it is not the key. The key is understanding a woman's sexuality. Understanding that sex is in her mind and how exactly this relates to what women want in the bedroom.

I challenge you to answer the following questions honestly.

Is your sexlife like a broken record, same thing everytime. Sure she has an orgasm but is it the almost the same everytime

Do you usually initiate sex and she rarely if ever does.

Do you ever turn her down when she comes to you for sex?

Do you think your partner has no sexual fantasies?

Do you not touch her hair, her face and look into her eyes while making love?

Do you neglect her other basic body parts, neck, arms, thighs, even feet?

Does sex always start in the bedroom and never outside of it?

Do you think she just wants to have an orgasm and teasing would not be all that welcomed?

Does she ever have to lay there for a while to catch her breath afterwards?

Do you stop at her one orgasm? Do you think that her orgasm means it's over? Is her one orgasm you single goal?

Do you know if your woman has a submissive or dominant nature in the bedroom.

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions, you do not know what women want in bed, sorry but you just don't.

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A woman is capable of extreme pleasure, multiple orgasms and wild passion. Talking to here about it is not going to wake her up. She craves and desires a masterful lover. She dreams about it.

Just the dominant/submissive question alone speaks volumes. I have been with a few men in my lifetime and until recently, not a one ever knew I prefer the submissive role in the bedroom. They all thought they knew me, but never really did. The lovers in my past would be shocked to know this about me actually. I never told them to be honest because there wasn't a single one that would have gotten it.

This doesn't mean they were bad lovers, I have had the orgasms, but they weren't great lovers. A great lover knows these things instinctively because he is in tune with a woman's sexuality. A great lover awakens something primal in his partner. Can you do this. He has taken the time to learn what women want in bed.

FREE CD! The Secrets of the Masterful Lover

Does your partner respond to you like this video clip. You can be she wants too? If you have never seen this movie, well let me summarize. Mickey Rourke knew how to push the buttons in Kim Bassinger's mind to get her to show him what it was she really really wanted in bed. This is a masterful lover.

1 comment:

  1. Just to touch on the dominant vs. submissive theme, I agree that it speaks volumes. I can tell you from experience (trials,tribulations) that not knowing what role a person prefers can be devastating to the relationship. Having said that, not trying to find out if there is a preferred role is just as bad, in an apathetic way. Of course, there are some that claim neither dominant or submissive preferences but I truly believe that is rare if people are being honest with their partners and with themselves.
    Lastly, I will not mention how many questions I said yes to just to keep everyone guessing!
