Monday, December 6, 2010

Why She Won't Tell You What She Wants in Bed

Women do want certain things in bed, mainly mind blowing sex and a deep connection to go with it. She won't tell you how to get there most of the time. A woman often fears how you will react of what you will think of her if she tells you of her deepest desires. It goes hand in hand with that fear of rejection, which I am sure you are all too familiar with.

She is probably fearful also that you won't take it well. If you are have been in a relationship or married for a while, we women already know to how men react to change. If all of a sudden we start wanting something different, we think you are going to get suspicious. We also are all too in tuned to your male ego. We don't want to hurt your feelings or rock the boat.

Then there is the woman who has been faking it forever and she is tired of it. She may not be faking orgasm, but she may be faking or lying about how great the sex is. If you have been together a long time, have you dared lately to ask her what she wants? If not, chances are good, you have a lot of room for improvement. You might be good, but you could probably be really great for her if you would put in the effort.

Women feel it's your place to make this move. We see a man that we have to lead as weak. We crave, desire a man to take our interests and needs in the bedroom to heart. The one thing that keeps us from telling you what we want in the bedroom may be the one thing that keeps you from digging into it. Fear of rejection.

If you think she may not be open to it, it's easier to just keep on doing what you are doing right? If you think she will also start to get suspicious, thinking you are wanting it elsewhere, again you may just decide to not rock the boat. Chances are, you really don't know how or where to start to take sex from good to great.

This is sad. We women really do want a man who knows exactly what to do to push our buttons and give us multiple orgasms and if you think your woman isn't capable or just doesn't enjoy sex, you are dead wrong, she is and she can enjoy sex. What she wants in bed is for you to be her ultimate lover.

It takes a brave and superior man to really dive into this subject and become the lover she always wished she had. I would venture to say the majority of women have not had this kind of lover and if she has, it was probably only once, twice at the most and it may not have been you. Something else we will never tell you.

We want you to take the lead, we want you to understand about Revolutionary Sex.

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