Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Staying Hard When Putting On a Condom

Staying Hard When Putting On The Condom

by Alex Allman, Author of Revolutionary Sex

There is not a guy in the world who has
never had a problem "getting it up" at least a
few times in his life... and any guy that tells you
otherwise is lying.

It can strike any time, and like some kind
of cruel joke, it usually decides to happen when
the stakes are high... you are a with a woman you are
especially attracted to, or that you are have strong
feelings for and really want to impress.


And maybe the worst part is...

If it happens once, it has this nasty habit
of happening again... because the very next time
you are in bed with a woman (or the same woman),
all you can think about is... "damn! I sure hope
THAT doesn't happen again!"

And that's pretty much the surest way to
make it happen again... or... um... NOT happen might
be a better way to put it.

So maybe you try fantasizing about something
that you KNOW has worked in the past-- maybe some
other girl or situation.

Most guys have tried that route, and so you
probably know that it usually doesn't work so well. It's
just one more train of thought that interferes with
getting into what you are doing in the here and now.

And if she says or does anything that
interrupts your fantasy, it takes you right back
to where you were before.

Or maybe you've been in the situation where
everything seems good to go, you get good and hard,
and then something interrupts the flow...

...like, say, putting on a condom...

...and suddenly, the game is off.


I get a lot of emails about this particular
one... men saying that the interruption of putting
on the condom can not only wilt their erection, but
then make it even more difficult to get hard again.

I wish I didn't have such vivid pictures of
it in my own head, but like I said, EVERYONE'S been

And listen carefully now: Don't ever use
this as an excuse to go without protection. That's
just stupid.

You need to learn a better way.

Thankfully, I never have this particular
problem any more. I've learned a lot of great
techniques for dealing with it, and I'm going to
share a few of the best ones right here in this

First off, I guess I should mention for the
sake of honesty and accuracy, that the various
pills that are available from your doctor, that I
won't mention by name (though the most popular one
starts with a "V"), all work very well.

But I don't recommend you go that route.

You can... but remember that you can very
quickly become dependent on them as a crutch whenever
you want to get things going...

That can get expensive. And it can kill
the spontaneous moment when you want to do it

And more importantly... it can mess with
your confidence and your ego.

For some guys, however, these pharmaceuticals
can be very helpful to get over the initial hurdle... but
for other guys it makes the situation worse because,
psychologically they feel they really NEED the pills, and
it stops them from EVER doing it the "normal" way.

I don't know your particular situation, but
I promise you, if you can get hard when you do it
alone, then you don't have a medical condition and
you definitely do NOT NEED those pills.

So let's begin at the beginning:

>>The Problem Is In Your Head

This the most important thing to remember
here. It is in YOUR head, and if it is in YOUR
head then YOU can fix it.

Let me go back and mention again that I
am assuming that you CAN get it up when you are
alone. If this is NOT the case, then the problem
could, in fact, be physical, and you need to talk
to your doctor about it as soon as possible as it
might indicate a more serious problem.

Okay, so if you're still with me, then the
problem, we agree, is in your head.

And that's a good thing, because your head
is something that you can learn to control.

I read quite a few books and articles on
the subject of performance anxiety, and how it
was related to stress, and all of these other
factors, and all of these exercises to help you
get over it...

And none of it really worked that well for
me... or any of the men that I've counseled since

Most of the time, I'd be okay, but then
once in a while I'd have a little "problem" and
the next thing I knew, I'd be in a cycle of having
that little problem, because it made me more and
more nervous that it would happen again.

Well, believe it or not, I found the seed
of the answer in Eastern Philosophy.

>>Quiet The Chattering Monkey Mind

That's what the Zen masters and Yoga gurus
call it...

You know, when you just can't shut your
brain off... like when you can't fall asleep at
night because of all of these thoughts swirling
around in your head that just won't shut up...

Or when you are in bed with a beautiful
woman and you've got all of these other thoughts
running through your mind...

what about what's going on at work...
am I going for it too soon...
what if she thinks I'm lame in bed...
what if she thinks my dick is too small...
I wonder what she's thinking right now...
What if I can't get it up again...
Has she noticed yet that I'm not hard...

That, my friend, is the Chattering Monkey

And is it any wonder, with all of that crap
running around in your head, that you can't focus
on what you are doing? That you can't get into

The bottom line is that you need to learn
how to quiet this chattering monkey. It is doing
you no good at all... and it is hurting you in the

Worse, it is probably hurting you in other
areas of your life too... this is just the one
that you may be aware of.

Becoming aware that this is the problem--
and believe it or not, this really is very likely
the ONLY problem that you have with getting it up--
is the first step to solving it for good.

And what's more, I absolutely guarantee
that if you can quiet these intrusive voices in
your mind, you will never have this problem, ever

So, now it's just a matter of learning
that control.

If you want WAY more information on
this particular method, I explain this powerful
technique for eliminating performance problems
in detail starting on page 16 of my eBook. You
can read it now, right here:

Overcome Performance Anxiety

If you really have a serious problem with
this and you've really been struggling with it for
a long time, I strongly recommend that you take up
a meditation practice.

That's what all those Zen Masters and Yoga
Gurus do to quiet their Chattering Monkey Minds--
and it works.

Take a class or get a book, and start a
meditation practice in you life.

Aside from the many benefits to your stress
level and brain function, it TEACHES you to control
your mind. And that is a very, very useful thing
to learn. It's no different from lifting weights to
build your muscles... except that you are building
strength in a function of your brain.

But okay, I know you are thinking you want
something you can use RIGHT NOW...

Don't worry. I'm not gonna let you down.

>>Say Something

This is a really great way of eliminating
one of the loudest chattering monkeys that most
guys deal with.

I've found that MOST guys who have had
problems in this area say that the thing that worries
them the most, the one that really loops around in
their head, is: "I wonder what she is thinking right
now... I wonder if she has noticed that I'm not

Because this is the worst of the chattering
monkeys for most guys, it is the one that creates
the biggest problem for getting "into it" and
getting hard.

So, first, let me give you the answer so
that you can stop wondering... yes, she has noticed
that you are not hard.

But the good news is that she is NOT
thinking that you are a loser because you can't
get it up... she's thinking that SHE is a loser.

Yep. You heard me right.

Because, you see, women are just as messed
up and insecure as we are. Maybe even more.

And what she's thinking is... "oh my God,
he's not into me. He doesn't like my body now that
he sees me naked... I'm doing something wrong...
Maybe I smell bad... he thinks my breasts look

Here's another thing she's thinking: "oh no,
not again."

Because unless she is a virgin, she has
experienced this situation before with other men...
because, like I said, it happens to all men from
time to time. So it's not like you are the first
guy she has ever been with where this happened.

The bottom line is... IT'S NO BIG DEAL...

If you just SAY something to her about

Instead of wondering what she is thinking
while she is wondering what you are thinking...

Just TELL her what to think.

Tell her something like, "don't worry, just
a little stress at work. Sometimes it takes me
a little longer. It's not you at all. I'm
very attracted to you, and if you are a little bit
patient, everything will be working fine in just
a few minutes... and if not, I promise, I'll take
good care of you either way."

She will be so relieved and pleased that
you were man enough to say something that she will
become as happy as a kitten with manual and oral
sex, and it takes the pressure off of you, so you
can just enjoy yourself.

And then just do that... enjoy yourself.

Enjoy touching her and having her touch
you. And in no time, if you just stop worrying
about it, your little champ will join in on the fun.

>> Don't Think About The Champ

And while I'm on it... the other monkey
that chatters in every guy's head when he's
having trouble getting it up is... thinking about
getting it up.

Is it hard yet?

Is it hard yet?

I think I feel it starting to... oh, no...
not yet...

Is it hard yet?

Shut that switch OFF!

I know, easier said than done. But once
you reassure the girl you are with that it's
nothing to think about, you need to take the same

As I said above, the key is "becoming
present." If your situation is minor, you will
find just this advice is enough to unlock the door
for you.

But if you need more to understand "becoming
present" then get my book, or take a class in
meditation, or... do both.

Okay, here's the hard sell:

Get the book.

Because there is way more to be an amazing
lover than just getting hard... though, let's face
it, that's a very important start!

But you shouldn't settle for just the
minimum, and if she is a woman of high quality,
then she won't either.

Learn to be the best lover that she has
ever even dared to imagine.

Check out the awesome FREE sex tips here...

Sexual Intercourse Techniques

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